Tag Archives: auckland

That morning at Western Springs

Sharing some photos today from that morning spent at the park a few days ago. For the first time in a long time we took the real camera and tripod out and made the conscious effort to take some decent family photos.

We had breakfast at home then left at about 9 am (just after the rush hour) and headed to Western Springs. Ada loves looking at birds so I thought WS would be perfect. It wasn’t cold and the sun was out.

Processed with VSCOcam with x1 preset

Photo from phone – edited using VSCO. All other photos are from the big camera.

Ahhh finally a photo of me and my love. Haha. We haven’t had a photo together (just us) in ages!!! Whilst at the car park it dawned on us that we didn’t have any bread to give to the birds so we went to the dairy and got some. Ada was napping anyway so that gave her a few extra minutes to snooze. Don’t you love it when they sleep in the car?? Yay for some peace and quiet. Haha.




WS was beautiful. As always. Yes, there were bird poop all over and I may have accidentally stepped on one or two as we were walking around but heck that’s a small price to pay! I feel so blessed that we can enjoy this kind of nature, that we are breathing fresh air, can hear birdsong and feel at peace.



First thing we did was feed the birds. Ada kept saying *Duck or Duh/Dah or some similar word. Maybe she really means duck? Who knows?


Here’s A getting cozy with the birds.


I remembered to bring our picnic mat and a blanket so we sat down so A can have her morning tea. Of course she didn’t want the bread I packed for her but wanted the one we got for the birds – lucky we still had some left. She wolfed down her cheese slice and had some yoghurt too.


I look very happy and at ease in this photo ( Ada clearly wanted to get away and explore ) — and I WAS except the two black swans were getting too close for comfort! I like them but not sure I want them too close to me if you know what I mean. ha! Alex was laughing at me. Even Ada didn’t seem to mind their proximity.



She used to hate being strapped into her pram and car seat but seems to love it now. I am not sure why but this is one of my favourite photos from that day.



How gorgeous is this?!



Love this one too. They always have the best photos together.



Over all it was an awesome morning — Ada got up close and personal with the birds, we were able to get some decent shots — there wasn’t much drama and A didn’t scream or cry. I love these little day trips and I’m hoping we get to do this more as spring and summer approaches.